Monday 10 August 2009

Flat roof converted to pitched roof

New timbers being fitted to form new pitched roof
New roof completed with 18mm ply covered with 1 layer of underfelt then 1 layer of torch on green mineral felt

Front view of roof showing pitch of new roof wrapped in pvc facia to match existing facia


  1. Nice work, man! My wife and I are on renovating our roof. We want a green roof, though. Or the traditional American roof, shingles. Ironically, being a man of the house, I'm not really an expert when it comes to roofing. Omaha (NE) got this group of contractors, so we contacted them immediately. We want to finish the replacement before this Holiday season.

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  3. Some people have problems with their roof after a storm when tree limbs fall and fierce winds rip off parts of their roof. This is the time to call in a roofing company. A roofing and siding winnepeg company will give you an estimate of what it will cost to repair the roof and when they can do the job.
